Friday, October 28, 2005

Women in Leadership

Ellen Goodman, a Globe Columnist, wrote this morning, Rosa Parks was ''unassuming" -- except that she rejected all the assumptions about her place in the world. Rosa Parks was a ''simple woman" -- except for a mind made up and fed up. She was ''quiet" -- except, of course, for one thing. Her willingness to say ''no" changed the world.

Interesting read. Goodman notes that the way the media/history books want our women leaders to be humble and unassuming and our male leaders to be heros. So true. So fucked up.

In a related note, the way in which Miers was ripped apart in the media was abhorrent. Granted, she doesn't have judicial or constitutional experience, but she was ripped apart by both side of the aisle, AND criticized for not being attractive, being a work-a-holic, not being married and not have kids. So...basically, she (and women) are damned if we do have both a career and choose to have a family OR if we choose to focus solely on a career OR choose to focus on solely raising a family.

Men never have to make any choices. Fuckers.


Blogger OrganizeU said...

Of course the un-spoken issue with Miers was that she was an un-married, un-attractive, un-child woman. But I really think Miers was done in by the ‘vast right-wing conspiracy’ machine and her lack of qualifications. She is certainly no Sondra Day. While the ‘left’ sat out this fight, it certainly enabled ‘conservatives’ too exert enough pressure to get Bush to pick someone else. Which he did. Now we are fucked because I am certainly not expecting moderation to win this next fight. I’d love to be wrong though.

7:19 PM  

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