Monday, January 30, 2006

All hail the oil and gas industry

in the midst of oil shortages because we drive giant gas guzzlers, out of control global warming, and an administration that is full of industry hacks, both exxon and chevron posted some of the highest profits on records. as they say the need more tax breaks when people are starving in the richest country in the world.


also, another fallen hero.


to top it off, the supreme court is now fucked for...the rest of my life. or maybe i should just say, my ability to control my body. or have rights.

but, the good news, is you can still buy really cool shit at fratercrombie and bitch.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid.

Another reason the Right is winning: they're completely cornered student activism with a cohesive movement, funded by giant special interests, and trained by the likes of Karl Rove. From the Nation, Sam Graham-Felsen writes,

"student conservatives have managed to balance organizational and ideological discipline with ragtag rebelliousness, positioning themselves as perpetual underdogs on oppressively liberal campuses. Armed with their version of a screw-the-man mentality, the student right's activism is often shocking: affirmative action bake sales where white students are charged more for cookies than blacks, for instance, or immigrant hunts where students dressed in Border Patrol uniforms chase targeted "illegals" with water guns. As tasteless and offensive as such stunts might be, they make waves on campuses and garner national attention for the movement."

Meanwhile, the Bush Administration continues to silence the truth about global warming.

Thank god for Molly Ivins. A real Texan.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Best Of...

I heart Seattle...

Penguins are adorable.

Stupid Anti-abortionists. Won't they ever learn.

Who doesn't like sewing?!

Cool old ads. Too bad it's for an irritating corportation.

If you're feeling fat.

I love New York too.

This person is nuts.

Finally, Bjork and P. Diddy are teaming up!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Stupid White Men

Ok, seriously, I can't believe the gall of this kid. He claims that he has been discriminated against in his upper-middle-class suburban school. He, let's note, is a white male, product of an affluent family (his father is an attorney in Boston). Check this out:
''The system is designed to the disadvantage of males," Anglin said. ''From the elementary level, they establish a philosophy that if you sit down, follow orders, and listen to what they say, you'll do well and get good grades. Men naturally rebel against this." You MUST BE JOKING. Since when did upper-middle-class-white-males (and, I assume, Christian, since he mentions he wants to go to Holy Cross) EVER get discriminated against?! Seriously, who owns...well, everything in the world? Who has the most money and power in the world? Seriously.

On a seperate note, how ironic that the roles defined as acceptable in society for women actually work to our "advantage."

The kid's lawyer-daddy says that the system screws over these poor, poor widdle boy. Daddy says, "teachers must change their attitudes toward boys and look past boys' poor work habits or rule-breaking to find ways to encourage them academically." Or MAYBE you should have, I dunno, GOOD work habits. Or behave like a mature person. Just a suggestion.

The worst part is that even for all my skills and talents, this kid will still make $.30 per dollar more than me. Fucker.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Go shorty, it's your birthday.

oh wait, i'm not short. but whatever. wonkette decided that today isn't the best day on the calendar. i bet neil, tatyana ali, and warren zevo (r.i.p.) might disagree.

here (on the left) is a picture of my kissing my mid-twenties good-bye.